Bring international foods to a party! People love trying a variety of foods from all over the globe and it adds zest to a party! Since the Olympics will be held in Russia, why not include Russian dishes. For a list of Russian recipes visit http://allrecipes.com/recipes/world-cuisine/european/eastern-european/russian/
Olympic Food Decorating. Decorate sugar cookies with a patriotic theme for Team USA. Another idea is to decorate Ding Dongs as Olympic Medals for everyone.
Sockies for Sochi. Wear festive socks to work, school or a party. Festive socks always make for an easy conversation piece.
Down below is a list of Winter Olympic Event ideas we modified to have fun with.
· Bobsled. You can convert this event by using a simple sled or tube. Have 2-3 people on each sled or tube to ride down the hill.
· Luge. 1 person is on a sled while sledding down the hill.
· Curling. This can be done on the living room floor, the kitchen floor, or on a kitchen table. In the living room, set up zone markers with allotted points. For pictures of the point zone, click http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curling Then, take a tennis ball and roll it onto the point zone without overshooting. The one who scores the most points wins! If it is done on the kitchen floor, set up zone markers for the point zone. Then roll the tennis ball while another teammate sweeps with a broom in front of the ball to help it land in the point zone. If nothing else, you get your floor swept over several times! If it is done on a kitchen table, set up zone markers on the table. Then take a peanut m&m and roll it onto the point zone with the most points without over shooting it.
· Olympic Bingo. Jeremy Holm, American bobsled pilot and coach, has created fun Olympic bingo cards. To download the bingo cards, visit http://jeremycholm.com/blog/item/110-2014-sochi-russia-winter-games-bingo
· The Judger Competition. When people are watching the events, everyone has a card. After the athletes finish their event, each person writes down on the card what they think the Judges will give as the final score. Everyone holds up their cards. Whoever guesses the final score most accurately
earns points wins a prize!
· Speed Skating/Walk Like A Speed Skater. For this event, you walk like a speed skater. You’re rated on form and speed. Try walking like a speed skater from one end to the other while racing someone else.
· Hockey. You can do either broom hockey on a big floor or do table air hockey.
· Biathlon. Run around the house or a park then shoot a ball at a target. This can also be done with snowballs.
· Gold Medal Celebration. Put on a gold medal and then demonstrate your celebration dance as if you won!
Most importantly, have fun with it! It’s a wonderful time for the world to come together and celebrate. If you have any creative ideas, please share them in the comments below!
Thanks for reading and feel free to share!
Heather Severn, LMFT & Coach
Here's the TV Clip of some of the demonstrations on KUTV Fresh Living...