1. How about a cruise?! Plan to go someplace sunny during the winter. This will break up the monotony of the cold and you will have something new to look forward to. Cruise lines offer really good deals if you purchase tickets early.
2. Visit the canyons with the fall leaves. Be sure to bring your camera! There are some breath-taking sights up the canyons that are worth checking out. Snowbird has Oktoberfest with a myriad of activities and a new mountain coaster open on the weekends. A hike around Silver Lake is beautiful with the colorful fall leaves, followed up by an inexpensive lunch at the Brighton Café.
3. Keep physically active. Just because the weather changes, doesn’t mean you cannot stay active. Being physically active helps to increase the endorphins in your body—which can improve your mood. Sign up for a dance class, aerial yoga, indoor rock climbing, or zumba. Races are available year round. Sign up for a race so you have something to train for.
4. Take up winter hobbies. There is always snow skiing and snowboarding. You can get season passes at either Brighton or Snowbird for less if you buy them now. If you are not a skier or a snowboarder, snowshoeing is a great way to go and you don’t have to pay for lift tickets. Snowshoeing offers a beautiful hike or walk in nature. You can definitely rent snowshoes. If you use snowshoes frequently, it’s worth it to purchase them at either Costco.com or Sports Authority. If your hands and feet get cold like mine do, disposable hand and foot warmers can really help you last longer in chilly weather.
5. Embrace seasonal produce. With fall approaching, it’s harvest time! Try a new pumpkin recipe or a healthy apple dessert. Eating raw foods can make a difference in your mental/physical health, weight loss, and overall well-being. One of my absolute favorites is having fresh produce with RAW Almond Hummus. I learned how to make this at the “Discover Scratch” cooking class and was given permission to post this. See an older blog http://www.skylightcounseling.com/1/post/2013/03/can-organic-raw-foods-improve-your-mood.html on why I refer to this recipe as “Mother Nature’s Crack”!
Discover Scratch’s RAW Almond Hummus (Serves about 3)
2/3 Cup Pre-soaked raw almonds (soak the almonds at least 12 hours)
1 Tablespoon Raw sesame seeds
1/4 Cup Water
½ teaspoon Ground cumin
½ teaspoon Real Salt or sea salt
¼ teaspoon Fresh ground black pepper
Pinch Cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon Fresh, raw garlic
1 Dried, raw date
1 Tablespoon Freshly squeezed lemon juice
¼ Cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 Tablespoon Fresh chopped Italian parsley
¼ Cup Chopped Kalmata olives
Soak raw almonds for at least 12 hours. Put almonds, sesame seeds, water, cumin, salt, pepper, cayenne pepper, garlic, date, and lemon juice into a VitaMix or BlendTec. You can use a food processor but it will not come out as smooth. Find out what setting works best on your blender for nut butters. Start the blender. Drizzle about ¾ of the olive oil in while using the wand to help shift things around. Stop the blender. Take the lid off and scrape the sides down. Make sure all the chunks get into the middle. Pour in the rest of the olive oil. Start the blender again and continue to take breaks in between to scrape the sides as needed until the texture is smooth or as desired.
Refrigerate for at least an hour before eating. To serve, stir parsley in, add olives, and drizzle with olive oil. Eat with any freshly chopped vegetables in season.
**Please note: I usually double the recipe because it gets eaten up quickly!
Cooking Class Information:
In addition to trying new recipes, you might consider taking a cooking class to enhance those culinary skills. Discover Scratch offers weekly classes. For more information, visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/discoverscratch/ and add yourself to the group to get the invites. In the Discover Scratch class, you will watch a demonstration on how to make the dishes with an in-depth knowledge of the ingredients, eat everything that is made, and take home detailed recipes with helpful tips. Harmons Neighborhood Grocer also offers a variety of classes. For more information, visit http://www.harmonsgrocery.com/cooking-school/
If you would like to try more RAW food recipes, please visit
Omar's Rawtopia is a RAW food restaurant located in Sugar House. http://www.omarsrawtopia.com/ Great for those who are unable to have gluten or dairy!
Thanks for reading and feel free to share this with friends!
Heather Severn, LMFT & Coach
P.S. Here is the Channel 2 KUTV news clip where I talk about the recipe and beating the end of summer blues!