Best Wishes,
Heather Severn Callister, LMFT & Coach
Heather Severn Callister, LMFT & Coach |
I recently was a guest speaker on the Beautiful Shifts Podcast. I share my personal story here. If you'd like to listen to it, click below. Best Wishes, Heather Severn Callister, LMFT & Coach
I really like this TED talk by Amy Morin, LCSW. She discusses the key to becoming mentally strong. She wrote this during a low point in her life. Click HERE to watch the 15 minute talk on YouTube. It's worth the watch!
I also love her article on "13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do". Be sure to highlight what mentally strong people do instead. It's a great road map! Cheers, Heather Severn Callister, LMFT Have you been stress eating during COVID? If so, you’re not alone. A lot of people have!! We experienced a curve ball with a pandemic. As a result, many of us went inside our primitive brains. However, that doesn't mean we have to stay in our primitive brains. Camille Kennard is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker and a Certified Wellness Life Coach. Watch this video of Camille Kennard discussing tips with me on intuitive eating tips during stressful times... Tip #1: S.T.O.P.
Stop what you’re doing. Take a breathe. Observe your thoughts, feelings, and body sensations. Proceed with a choice rather than react. Tip #2: R.E.S.P.E.C.T. your body. (see attachment.) Tip #3: Self-Compassion. Don’t shame yourself. It’s okay. You were suffering and needed some compassion. Thanks for watching and please share! Heather Severn Callister, LMFT P.S. This is the 3rd video on the “Reducing 2020 Stress Series”. For other videos, see previous blog posts. For more information on intuitive eating, visit or call her at 385-242-3242. Have you heard all the craze about Brainspotting? It’s an off-shoot of EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing). Both are great at reducing anxiety and trauma. It can also help improve athletic performance and improve self-esteem. My colleague, Shanna Gwilliam, introduced Brainspotting to me. She said it goes deeper than EMDR and the results are incredible. It’s a quick way to release trauma from the body rather than doing years of talk therapy. Dr. David Grand discovered Brainspotting in 2003. He says, “Where you look affects how you feel.” It locates the part of the brain where the trauma is stored and then allows the brain to process and release the trauma at a quicker rate. He worked with a professional ice skater who was able to do a trip-loop after Brainspotting. (See the book ,“Brainspotting”, by David Grand, PhD.) Would you like to see a demonstration? See below! (Please note: I did this with my friend, Robyn. I was not able to use a real client for the demonstration due to confidentiality and respecting privacy.) Disclaimer: Results vary from person to person. If you have trauma, don't do this on your own. I recommend you work with a mental health professional who is trained in Brainspotting. If you’d like to see if Brainspotting can work for you, call me at 801-505-1332. For more detailed information on Brainspotting, visit Thanks for watching! Please share this with someone who could benefit from it!
Heather Severn Callister, LMFT The last few months have been stressful for most of us with all of the changes in our way of life and natural disasters on top of it. This can cause stress and anxiety to spike. Here are some tips on what to do specifically during an earthquake if you’re driving in a car. Marcello is the owner of, which is an educational website on how to prepare for emergencies and natural disasters. The more prepared we are, the more calm we can be in unexpected situations. Marcello says the safest thing is to stay in the car and don't touch anything until help comes, but if you need to get out or no help is on the way, then follow these steps in the video clip below. For more emergency preparedness tips, visit Thanks for watching. This is part of the reducing anxiety and stress series during 2020 times.
Thanks! Heather Severn Callister, LMFT Here is a guided imagery download to help you clear your mind and be present. I tried using Garage Band to add music to the background. Yah, well...I need more practice with that. ;)
Enjoy! Heather Let’s be honest, life has been disrupted big time during COVID 19. This has caused a lot of stress for everyone. However, there are still things you can do to help reduce the stress. This is not an all-encompassing list but here are at least a few suggestions.
I’m curious, what has helped you during this time to reduce stress? Heather Severn Callister, LMFT P.S. Follow me on Instagram and share with your friends. Photo Courtesy: @seainside_photo Thanksgiving is a time to reflect upon things we’re grateful for. It’s also a time to share and bring people together. I loved learning about the very first Thanksgiving. Did you know the very first Thanksgiving lasted three days? Well, here are three activities to bring family and friends closer together on Thanksgiving Day.
What are some things you like to do for Thanksgiving? Heather Severn Callister, LMFT & Coach ![]()
Down below is the news segment about it. Courtesy: KUTV 2News. Happy Thanksgiving!! Many of us have heard that going out of town with kids is really a trip not a vacation. My husband and I have learned that from firsthand experience! We have two small boys. One of our sons has both Down Syndrome & Autism who is medically complex. As a result, we have a lot of medical equipment we need to bring and our routine can really be thrown off being away from home. Aside from that, we have found some ways to make traveling more enjoyable with our two little ones. Here are some tips on how to make your trip feel more like a vacation. 1. Bring a relative or friends. Bringing other adults with you, allows you to have more adult conversation. Plus, it’s nice to have extra helping hands to trade off with. You can rotate who goes on the lake or to the pool. We brought my sister-in-law with us before and it was so fun to trade off spending one-on-one time with her. She also was kind to watch our then one son at the time one night so my husband and I could go on a date together. If you can afford to bring a nanny, then do it. I always thought it was so great how Alice from the show “The Brady Bunch” would go on vacation with the Brady family. 2. Go to a destination to visit family or friends. If you cannot travel with other adults, visit a destination where you will see other adults. We visited my relatives in CA and it was so nice to be able to spend time with them. They sure loved spending time with our kids. And our kids loved the extra love and attention. This allowed my husband and I to go on walks together around the block without the kids. Renting a cabin with another family is a great way to have everyone together. It also allows a chance for kids to play together and the adults to play games together. 3. Special needs-notify the airport/hotel. Let the airline know if you have special needs. They will direct you on who you need to contact if necessary to receive reasonable accommodations. This can apply when it comes to needing assistance with boarding on the airplane. Bring noise cancelling headphones. Airports can be very noisy which makes it difficult for kids who have sensory issues. Even if kids do not have sensory issues, babies have a hard time napping with loud noises and overstimulation. The headphones have been a lifesaver for us! 4. Pack light but still bring toys, games, and activities. Bring 2-3 toys per kid and activities to keep kids entertained. You don’t want to bring too much. If you do, the chances of things getting lost increases. It’s better to pack light. Collect something from the place you visit such as rocks or seashells to create a memory. Some vacation spots will have a washer and dryer. If they do, this makes it easier to pack light. The less stuff you have to manage, the less stress! 5. Do your research and make plans. Call the hotel or the place where you will stay and ask them about available family friendly activities in the area. Come up with some specific plans that way you are not spending all day trying to figure out what to do. This helps to create a somewhat of a routine and provide structure. Some family friendly destinations include places with bodies of water, swimming pools, zoos, and amusement parks. Cruises are known for having activities planned for kids. For more family friendly destination ideas, see the list down below. 6. Give yourself an extra day to recover when you arrive home. If possible, give yourself an extra day when you come back from your trip. This allows time to unwind, unpack, do laundry, and go to the grocery store. If you can squeeze in a dinner date with your partner that night, even better. What helps you to enjoy traveling with kids? Best wishes to you all! Thanks for reading and please share! Heather Severn Callister, LMFT & Coach Family Friendly Destination Ideas Whether You’re A Single or 2 Parent Family I compiled this list together from people who have traveled successfully with their kids. Thanks to all those who gave recommendations! :)
Please feel free to add to the list with your comments. It’s so nice to learn from each other! Thanks! "5 Tips On How To Survive Family Home For The Summer" By Heather Severn Callister, LMFT & Coach5/30/2019 Summer is here! Now is the time to come up with a summer schedule. Kids do much better with a routine and it will be easier for you to keep your sanity. Here are five tips on how to survive family home for the summer.
What do you like to do in the summer? Thanks for reading and please share! Heather Severn Callister, LMFT & Coach ![]()
AuthorHeather Severn Callister is a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist Archives
May 2024